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Composer, musician of Armenian origin, self-taught and DIY. He has a unique musical intuition, being a radiophysicist by education.

He creates instrumental works using a digital medium in the neoclassical style

And develops the 
neo-symphonic subgenre with its idea of melodic dramaturgy, narrative, concentration on the themes of cosmology and human evolution.


He interweaves vocals in the style of "ethno", gothic, academic singing in a number of his works, including in related genres - the new age style.

Possessing by nature a subtle ear, a unique range and timbre of his voice, he also resorts to his own voice capabilities.

On this basis, he sometimes experiments in the more popular genres of pop-rock and ethno-rock, performing himself and creating songs for other vocalists in Russian, Armenian, French, and English.

Practically in all works of the musician there is a cross-cutting desire to connect the vibrations of Music and Space.

"Since childhood, I was fascinated by two things: music, listening to everything from classics to" pop ", and space. The education of a radiophysicist studying wave structures combined these hobbies, but did not motivate me to go into this profession, but confirmed my desire to combine" vibrations music and space ". 


"I am ready to change the stereotype of perceiving music as a background music that has no semantic value. The listener needs to be guided through the melodic part to new, previously unknown and awakening rhythms of the Universe." 


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© 2021-2025 Tigran Jager

Administrator: nadian.jager (Facebook)

Photo&Video @elenagerassphoto (Instagram)

Illustrations @rdanaya_art (Instagram)

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